
Most Famous Quotes from Popular Authors

Reading quotes time to time often works like a charm to recharge our inspiration in a comfortable and instant way. Many of us try to catch up with the most famous quotes from famous authors not only to boost ourselves – but also to discuss and share unique and powerful ideas or observations about life, love and the world with others.

In this list of randomly chosen famous quotes – we tried to focus on some most popular authors and their much famous and celebrated sayings (From personal remarks and from literary works), but we might missed many great ones since there are many and we couldn’t include them all! We have created pretty much simple images for all these quotes without using extremely colorful and messy image backgrounds to minimize the distraction while reading – do share with friends and families if you think they worth the reading at all!


Agatha Christie


Alan Moore

Alan-Moore most famous quotes

 Albert Camus

Albert Camus most famous quotes

Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley most famous quotes

Alexander Mccall Smith

Alexander Mccall Smith most famous quotes

Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg most famous quotes

Anaïs Nin

Anaiss Nin most famous quotes

Anne Frank

Anne Frank most famous quotes

Anne Rice

Anne Rice most famous quotes

Anton Chekhov

Anton Chekhov most famous quotes

Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. Clarke most famous quotes

Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller most famous quotes


C. S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis most famous quotes

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens most famous quotes


Also, if you like the writings of Anton chekhov, check out some great lines from chekhov here – Anton chekov quotes, facts, Books.

Find Out More Great Quotes at wikiquote, Goodreads and brainyquote.

If you find any quotes to be wrong, misinterpreted or any spelling mistakes- please let us know. We will resolve the issue as soon as we get a notification from you.


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